Sunday Worship 10:30am - Join Us for Easter April 20th!
Sunday Worship 10:30am - Join Us for Easter April 20th!
At Calvary, everyone has a place and there's a place for everyone. So, join us this week for Bible study and worship.
Join us each Sunday at 9:00 am for Bible study. Go to our Sunday School Page for more information.
9 AM Sunday school
10:30 AM Worship
For More Information Call 209.826.3682 or email us at
Tuesdays 6:30pm Women's Study (Gauna's)
Wednesdays 7:00pm Recovery Group (Bldg. A)
Thursdays 7:00pm Men's Bible Study (Bldg B)
7:00pm Women's Bible Study (Cafe)
Sundays 12pm Adoracion
Call Pastor Abel at 209-752-9968
Q. Will I be welcome at church?
A. Yes, we welcome everyone to Calvary Baptist Church.
Q. Do I have to dress up?
A. No. We're a casual fellowship of like-minded believers more interested in growing Christ than the latest fashions.
Q. Are you the kind of church that hates Gay people and Sinners in general?
A. No. We teach and preach what Jesus taught and preached and that's the teaching of repentance from sin and grace for salvation. What Christ and Scripture teach as sin, we teach and preach as sin. However, our goal is not to find out what sin people engage in, but in how we can help each other overcome sin. Yes, Scripture teaches that engaging in homosexual activity is indeed a sin. However, just as gossip and telling a lie are sins, we join with all people to overcome sin, not indict sinners. Satan accuses sinners for shame, but God's Holy Spirit convicts sinners for salvation.
Q. Do you condemn sinners?
A. Since Scripture says plainly that "all have sinned," we consider ourselves forgiven sinners, not perfect people. Sin is an addiction we inherit from Adam and the church is filled with struggling and recovering sin-a-holics. So join us, we need your testimony!
We would love to have you visit us!
302 West K Street, Los Banos, California 93635, United States
We're just two blocks north of Pacheco Blvd (152), take Arizona Avenue to where it ends at K Street and your here!
Bible Study 9am
Worship 10:30am